MCA Online Education
- Duration 2 Years Total of 4 semesters
- Commitment 8-10 hours/week Recommended hours for the programme
- Model Live + Recorded Recorded content along with live sessions
- Fee Starting at Rs. 13,000/ Per Sem. Limited seats available to avail Early Decision Benefit
- Application Deadline with EDB 15th June
- 12+ Hours Live Instruction per course per semester
- 20+ Hours Recorded content per course per semester
- 104 Total number of credits
- 1+ hours Weekly asynchronous mentoring
- 8 General and Discipline Specific Electives
- 2 Guest Lectures and Workshops
Semester 1
ECAP437:Software Engineering Practices
ECAP444:Object Oriented Programming using C++
ECAP446:Data Warehousing and Data Mining
ECAP448:Linux and Shell Scripting
ECAP453:Data Communication and Networking
SEC-I:Skill Enhancement Course I
ECAP010:Programming in C S/U
ECAP011:Database Management System S/U
Note: ECAP010 and ECAP011 are Bridge Courses. These courses are applicable for the students who completed their graduation in non-computer background (i.e BA, B.Com, BSc)
Semester 2
ECAP615:Programming in Java
ECAP770:Advanced Data Structures
ECAP456:Introduction to Big Data
ECAP470:Cloud Computing
EMTH403:Mathematical Foundation for Computer Science
ECAP472:Web Technologies
SEC-II:Skill Enhancement Course II
Semester 3
ECAP776:Programming in Python
SEC-III:Skill Enhancement Course III
DSE-I:Discipline Specific Elective I
DSE-II:Discipline Specific Elective II
GE-I:Generic Elective I
GE-II:Generic Elective II
ECAP735:Seminar on Summer Training
Semester 4
SEC-IV:Skill Enhancement Course IV
DSE-III:Discipline Specific Elective III
DSE-IV:Discipline Specific Elective IV
GE-III:Generic Elective III
GE-IV:Generic Elective IV
ECAP788:Project Work
*Note: All LPU Online Programmes are offered in English medium only, except for a few Hindi Core/ Elective courses in BA Programme.